We have an outstanding staff of trainers that work with you during each class! We are invested in your success! Out staff will motivate you, hold you accountable, teach you proper form and will even modify exercises to your particular needs! There simply isn't a more professional and caring group! Our trainers all started out as clients! They make the best instructors because they know what it's like to be on both ends of class, as a participant and instructor!
The Co-Founder and Head Trainer at New Body Boot Camp, Bonnie has been teaching group fitness and personal training for over 30 years!
Meghan Garcia started as a client and turned into an instructor! Meghan took her energy from taking classing into teaching classes!
The best class leaders come from being clients and Kristen has been in the fitness industry for over 20 years! Like our other trainers, Kristen started our taking classes, now she teaches them!
Deirdre's mom has been a client of ours since we opened our doors! Deirdre starting taking classes and after seeing her in class, we asked if she wanted to learn to become a trainer!
Another trainer who started out as a client and liked classes so much he decided to teach them! Try a class and you'll be hooked also!
A former college baseball standout, Trevor joined our staff a few years ago and is now heading our South Florida location that will be opening soon. Along with developing the workouts used in each class, Trevor is also in charge of our digital marketing and social media departments.